
how to deal with it in daily practice. Kaapstad, 6-8 april 2020


Day 1

Monday 6 April

Coffee & registration
09h15Alan Nelson - Welcome to the Nelson Peace Centre
09h45Peter Peek - Introduction to Branch Out's vision
10h00 Jacques Joubert– Workshop outcomes
10h30 Nicola Courtney – Cultural Awareness & Mediation
11h00Tea & coffee
11h15Dr Matthews Phosa – The dialogue that saved a country from the abyss - 1994
12h30Discussion with delegates
13h00 Lunch time
13h45 Nicola Courtney/Karen Joubert – Advanced English language skills
for business mediators
14h30Jacques Joubert – Business mediation in four phases
15h15 Tea
15h30 Phase one – the Confrontation

Technique: Fish bowl in which the delegates observe a live demonstration of
parties confronting each other.

Outcome: Reflections by the delegates on their own experiences of dealing
with similar confrontation

Coaching & feedback
17h00End of day 1
19h00 Dinner - opened by short speech by special guest: Chief Justice of South Africa,
Mr Mogoeng Mogoeng

Day 2

Tuesday 7 April

Registration and coffee
09h15 Day ahead
09h30 Jacques de Waart - Reconciliation in Rwanda, the Community based
sociotherapy programme
10h30 Group discussion
11h00 Tea and coffee
11h15Phase two The Exploration

Technique: Fish bowl in which the delegates observe a live demonstration of the potential of private one- on-one sessions to explore and address inter-cultural issues that arise in a business context.

Outcome: The reflections of experienced mediators on the potential and risks of private one-on-one sessions.

Coaching & feedback
12h30Group discussion on resolving dignity violations to pave the way for productive negotiations
14h00Oscar Sivali - Building Peace and cross-cultural communication
14h30Group discussion
15h00Tea and coffee
15h15 Phase three and four – Solving a business problem together

Technique: Fish bowl in which the delegates observe a live demonstration of how private one- on-one sessions explore solutions, before bringing the parties together to negotiate directly with each other.

Outcome: The reflections of experienced mediators on the potential value of private sessions to prepare the parties to negotiate directly with each other.

Coaching & feedback
16h30End of day 2
18h30South African “Braai”
Day 3Wednesday 8 April
09h00 Registration and coffee
09h15 Day ahead
09h30Alan Nelson – Just outcomes during mediation – perspectives of a seasoned trial
10h30Tea and coffee
11h15Aletta Renken & Jan Willem Loman– Sharing experiences from daily mediation practice
12h00Group discussion
12h30 Wrap up
13h30Feedback on experience during the workshop
14h15Delegates depart for Table Mountain Sunset dinner
18h00Wahida Parker -
Reflections on Peace by a workplace mediator and CEO of the Table Mountain Company
19h00Dinner on the Mountain